
Teacher Training

It is conducted by a consulting company of ATT Consult Global.


  • Prevention of Burnout Syndrome, or how to keep our zeal at work and not get “burnout” in it.
  • Analysis and strategy approach in the resolution of conflicts.
  • Stress and ways to regulate emotional condition.
  • Choice: Friendship. Strategies and methods for the creation of a strong children's team.
  • Lie. What truths about our children can you teach us…
  • Anger management. Aggressive behavior correcting techniques.
  • Working methods on how to make children overcome sadness and loss.
  • Children's fears and anxiety. Working methods.
  • Hyperactive children - the children of modern times. Are we prepared to enter their world?
  • onverting the computer from a rival into first assistant. Strategies for the effective use of modern information technologies in the education of our children.
  • Right to knowledge. Techniques for working with children with special educational needs.
  • Working with parents. Let us join our efforts in the name of our children.

Book your consultation

We are at your disposal to give you the best advice we can