
Organizational Consulting

If this is the vision for the future and the direction we want to go, then the next thing we need to think about is how to get there and what obstacles we shall encounter on our way. For a vision can never be accomplished on its own. We can’t just stand idle and wait for our dreams to come true. The future is not a gift – it is an achievement.

Robert F. KennedyCitation from the book "Promises to keep"

Every manager who has taken responsibility for the success of the organization headed by him/her is preoccupied by two big questions concerning its development, and namely:

“Where is my company standing at the moment?” and “Where I want it to be?”

ATT Consult Global EOOD offers you its partnership in finding the answers to these questions. Our activity is aimed at implementing psychological principles and knowledge in work behavior, since everything matters and everything is important when one strives for the best….This is so due to the fact that

What will you get if you ask for our organizational consultations?

We will support your leadership in the complex functions and activities used in the management of successful people and teams, as it is unthinkable for an organization to achieve its goals, reaffirm its name and, accordingly, achieve desired success without its employees.

When an organization’s management is striving to become one of the best in its field, the only way to do that is through people. Such an organization shall use the power contained in human resources and the strength of their motivation and satisfaction.

Therefore, we think that it is important for you to know that you could trust us when you are in need of:


It shall ensure that your organization has employed the right number of people, who have the necessary skills and knowledge to work effectively. Planning will provide you with answers to the following three major questions: “What resources do we have?”; “What resources do we need?”; “What shall we do in order to reach and maintain an optimal human resources organization?”


As a result of the recruitment made by us for your organization, you shall set up the team you have always wanted and planned for your objectives. Our commitment is to provide you with a selection of the most qualified candidates willing to become part of your company.

The National Employment Agency has granted ATT Consult Global EOOD perpetual License № 2423 / 18.12.2012 for recruitment mediation services in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Training and development.

Learning and development are embedded in human nature, and this is something that successful managers rely on. It results in increased productivity and quality, and training leads to changes in human resources’ behavior and higher efficiency.

Training programs:

ATT Consult Global holds the following individually prepared training programs aimed at the establishment of successful business environment:

  • Creation and maintenance of loyal, motivated and successful team – without this, everything else is unthinkable.
  • Motivation. Emotions’ place in the business environment.
  • Prevention of Burnout Syndrome, or how to keep our zeal at work and not get “burnout” in it.
  • The role of emotional smartness in business relationships.
  • The strength of effective communication in the organization. How important is for us to acquire precise information and how should we do that?
  • New generation leadership or management.
  • Presentation skills, or how to reach to the other person in the most productive and comprehensive manner.
  • The world of successful sales.
  • Resolution of conflicts. Communication with “hard” customers. Mediation force.
  • Time management.
  • Creation of unique corporate culture. The power to authenticate our organization.
  • Negotiation skills, or how can we achieve the things that we want. Principle of negotiations type “win-win”.
  • Corporate entrepreneurship.

Организиране на тийм билдинги и други фирмени събития

Организиране и провеждане на конкретни и специфични за Вашата организация дейности

Оценка на представянето.

Можем да ви предложим цялостна оценка на представянето на вашите служители, резултатите и начините, по които те се справят с професионалните си задължения (успехите, постиженията и дефицитите). Ще изследваме потенциала, който притежават, но все още не е бил до край проявен.

Изследване на мотивацията и удовлетвореността.

Много са факторите, които могат да мотивират конкретния човек. Мотивацията е сила, която изпълнява три функции: зарежда с енергия или кара хората да действат, насочва поведението им към постигането на определени цели и поддържа усилията, влагани в достигането на тези цели. Това от своя страна влияе на емоционалния фон, чувствата и нагласите, които всеки човек има към собствената си работа. Ние ви предлагаме да изследваме нивото на мотивация и удовлетвореност и да работим заедно, за да се чувстват вашите служители мотивирани и удовлетворени и така да постигнат още по-добри резултати.

Book your consultation

We are at your disposal to give you the best advice we can